One of my favorites is:
“Never lie, never tell the whole truth, and never pass up a chance to use a real bathroom.”
“if you dropped a coin (or other small object) and you can’t find it anymore, drop another coin and see where it goes.”
Wore hard contacts back when those were a thing. Trained myself to look straight down when I drop something. No pause, don’t look for the thing, look straight down immediately, catch it on the bounce.
Caveat: This does not work when a spring pops on your project. Place a flashlight flat on the floor and scan. My gunsmith has a sweet trick for springs. Take it apart inside a bag.
I am different from Washington; I have a higher, grander standard of principle. Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won’t.
–Mark Twain
“Anywhere is a bathroom if you are drunk enough.”
-an old roommate
He was fun, but, uh, yeah. He definitely had a drinking problem. Drank on the job, at work, to fall asleep, to relax, when he was nervous, when he was happy. Not sure if he ever put this in to pratice but I wouldn’t doubt it at all.
“Futility is freedom”