Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
It’s clear that, in this case, the education system could use some updating, too.
No it (and multiple other re-intergration based incareration systems are more effective and socially health than the punitive system the USA uses.
Anserweing OP’s question if incareration can be made more ethical than is currently the case in the USA.
It’s quite on topic really.
Yes thats what an antithesis is.
I prefer his codex tbh
Nick Cave is a bit hit or miss, but this album is very much in the positive swing for me. Barring the first song on the lyre part,I like all of them.
I got to see him life on the tour of this album and it was amazing!
Harold the conqueror
And poetry! you Renaissance man
The question was about prisons in general, their personal experience being the basis of them questioning the ethicality of the concept of prisons.
For that matter the Norwegian example is a perfect antithesis to the punitive American system.
Therefore they were absolutely on topic. You may freshen up on comprehensive reading.
The frame on that must be massive to contain the strain on that copper.
It used to be quite clearly defined:
Individuals with the lowest mental age level (less than three years) were identified as idiots; imbeciles had a mental age of three to seven years, and morons had a mental age of seven to ten years
I’m sure all of those will vote contrary to those doing the manipulation, right? -Padme
No that’s ‘basil has left the building’
‘Weird’ is what they called Elons Nazi salute too. It’s not the correct term I feel.
I saw that way differently. In my reading they converted a homophobic slur into one that targets the kind of people who are not gay, but do really hate being called that. Therefore using the term for something that is deserving of public shaming and were people absolutely have a choice of being that way.
They called a largely homophobic group of men who like to be clad in leather and be surrounded by big manly men by a word that they would truely be dispised being called. It would be hilarious and beneficial if that usage of the word would become the new norm and people calling motorbros ‘fags’ instead of gay people.
I don’t think many LGBT people would be mad at nog being called fags, but instead the term referring to hells angels roleplayers.