But I heard there would be at least a ‘Dorothy’ on board. So many people assured me they were good friends of hers.
But I heard there would be at least a ‘Dorothy’ on board. So many people assured me they were good friends of hers.
Yes you get it, my good Sturmstaffel friend (as a joke of course, not the evil kind, the funny kind that killed Jews, but for the lols).
Nothing to do at all! Since Hitler was a communist and the USSR were nazis. Which are bad, of course. Unlike my good AfD friend who is not a nazi of course, but is a nazi, in a good way I mean. But not a communist nazi. A nazi-nazi, but again we can’t say that but it’s good.
Anyway words have no meaning whatsoever.
Looks more like someone who would let the ring bearer decide whether to go through Moria.
Hello, I am Paul Newman, the famous actor.
stares into the camera
90 pages of backstop is significant, yes. When I got the role of Theodore in Alvin and the Chipmunks, I was bitterly disappointed by the lack of depth of the character. Almost no backstory was given to me.
more staring
On the other hand, my rendition of Dig’em the frog for Smacks was greatly improved by the 400 hundred pages lore of the character. I became the frog.
intense staring
Hmm. Did they explode because they were explosive? Or were they called ‘explosive’ because they exploded? The latter would mean that these particular explosives were an instantiation of an archetypal explosive, for which the explosivity would have been observed previously. In one case, we have an explosive by induction, and in the other an explosive by deduction. Fascinating.
Foire aux Questions
Oui. ‘lmao’ est un anglicisme à proscrire lors des cérémonies. Préférez ‘mdr’ ou une émotête.
Il n’est pas écoresponsable d’acheter des asperges en hiver. Attendez la saison.
Mangez des asperges, en saison.
Sa famille ne vous en voudrait pas
Danger grave et imminent pour sa santé ou sa sécurité.
Il y a évidemment danger pour leur santé à 7°C en continu. C’est complètement justifié. Sans parler du risque pour les enfants.
Pour rappel, l’employeur est responsable de la santé de son employé sur son lieu de travail. C’est la moindre des choses qu’il assure l’exercice des tâches de son employé dans un milieu qui ne le soumette pas à une hypothermie.
Bon sang, j’espère que la finitude de l’être, c’est pas héréditaire quand même ?
Vraiment triste aujourd’hui 😥 C’est toujours trop tard qu’on réalise qu’on aurait dû, qu’on aurait pu… mais l’occasion est passée, à jamais. Et on réalise la douleur. La douleur qui s’installe. Et que rien ne peut soulager maintenant.
Putain j’ai pas de champagne au frais et maintenant si j’achète une bouteille elle sera jamais fraîche et en plus c’est dry january. Monde cruel. 😢
Ah ben parlons-en de ces grand jeanfoutres, tiens. J’ai applaudi tous les soirs pendant le Covid à mon balcon et vous croyez qu’ils ont fait un effort pour moi quand je suis venu pour mon problème avec le truc dans le bidule ? Que dalle, j’ai dû attendre une heure. J’ai bien fait de voter pour le gars qui a flingué les budgets des hôpitaux, ça leur apprendra.
Les commentaires sont quand même très négatifs.
Y a pas que les cancers du foie des consommateurs d’alcool. Y a aussi les cancers de la thyroïde des populations exposées aux pesticides qui vont disparaître. Vous pensez un peu aux oncologues qui vont perdre leur taf ? Aux actionnaires de Sanofi ? Aux clowns d’hôpitaux pour enfants ? Non, bien sûr vous pensez qu’à vos gueules
I have a hunch Cleopatra might not have been entirely a virgin.
Christopher Lee was allegedly there to give advice to make the fight more realistic.
‘Have you ever delved into the infernal pits of despair, Peter? Have you ever met a creature made of pure evil? Have you seen your comrades fall, taken one by one by a Balrog, until you’re the last one standing? I was in the SAS during the war, Peter, and you can’t imagine the atrocities I have suffered and given in return. Do you know what sound a Balrog makes while he is hurled across abysses of torment, Peter? It’s a sound that makes terror feel like pleasure. And yet I crave it, I cannot forget it and I long to inflict such a pain to another Balrog, for I loathe them, and I know no mercy for them and I have lost my soul. Oh, yes, Peter.’
I am even more disappointed by that guy’s choice to work only 6 days a week.
I do not believe in sleep or rest.
I firmly believe that CEOs require diapers, not toilet breaks.
I used to shit myself continuously at the office, the stench was unbearable. And yet I went on, staying at my desk, asking people to come in to berate them.
I chose to be estranged by my whole family. My kids hate me. My wife despises me. My father won’t talk to me. Even my mother loathes me.
I managed all that by dedicating every second of my life to my job, so that I can die miserably and get a gravestone saying ‘lmao the shitman’s dead, rest in shit loser’.
That some kind of eastern thing?
commenter of extremely high IQ
WTF did you just call me?? Imma shank you
N’importe quoi, y a la chocolatine du nord et la chocolatine du sud, ça fait 6, retourne à ton école pourrave à Paimpont (j’ai rien contre Paimpont, c’est très pimpant).
Er East Ohio, New Ohio, Ohiowa, Illinohio, Ohiohiohio…