Those big ass pits creep me out. Where do they put all that earth they remove? I don’t see piles big enough.
It’s not like we can just choose not to pay federal taxes in response to this.
(Would be nice if we just seceded.)
I assume the governor is elected by popular vote and not districts though right?
Now that many of them don’t have homes, provided they don’t get scammed out of their insurance money, moving to some of these states might be a decent financial option. Then they can vote these assholes out.
You’re making us straight people look uninformed.
So this is a big nothingburger?
My point was, the ai wasn’t talking about “rm” in general.
You might be right. But I’d like to hear from other bone users.
It can’t actually spawn shell commands (yet.) But some idiot will make it do that, and that will be a fun code injection when it happens, watching the mainstream media try to explain it.
Should only be used with extreme caution and if you know what you are doing.
Ok. What is the actual use case for “rm -rf /“ even if you know what you are doing and using extreme caution? If you want to wipe a disk, there are better ways to do it, and you certainly wouldn’t want that disk mounted on / when you do it, right?
Right, but the quote from the article specifically says mortgages will be unavailable. So forget about insurance and mortgages. (If we follow that line of thinking.) so I assume that means only cash buyers.
Climate change makes risk unpredictable; risk makes insurance unaffordable or unavailable; no insurance makes mortgages unavailable; without mortgages property values crash
Why is it without mortgages property values crash? Is it because sellers are forced to sell to only people who can pay cash? I suppose that makes sense. And of course those won’t be “people”, those will be banks and investment companies, looking to rent the property out to tenants. So more large chunks of money are siphoned away from the middle class.
lol can I get some context on this.
Good luck with that. Hope Trump doesn’t send the navy.
Used to be they didn’t want FEMAs help because FEMA was going to put everyone in camps and steal their houses. Now FEMA is purposely ignoring them?
WHICH IS IT??? I can’t get my conspiracy theories to agree.
Now you must sacrifice your first born.
I think this started on reddit in like 2010 or something. Solid joke in this context.
The woke left is trying to kill morning. Now you have to say “happy arbitrary ante meridiem temporal designation.”
Morning America Good Again!