I wonder if it’s because they’re afraid of the danger they pose to pedestrians and cyclists with their terrible driver view lines and sheet metal ginsu paneling. I wouldn’t insure that shit.
“Humans are just imperfect crabs.” - @pH3ra@CubitOom@lemmy.ml
Trying to be the best crab I can.
I wonder if it’s because they’re afraid of the danger they pose to pedestrians and cyclists with their terrible driver view lines and sheet metal ginsu paneling. I wouldn’t insure that shit.
Eh… Unreal keeps getting bigger and more ungainly; if you’re making a AAA fps it’s perfectly suited, but for smaller products it’s becoming harder to consider.
I am starting to think some people don’t actually have principles, and don’t understand words too good neither.
well put.
lord of fLies
my understanding from a tech artist friend was that simple things like adding a new shader would take a day to make it into their continuous integration builds, making it ridiculous compared to unity/unreal/etc. this was 2019-ish
Recall the decades it took to create vehicles that could be sold (fueled, serviced, places that didn’t even have fucking roads) when we transitioned from horses to ICE.
It’s a transition period, we’re in the early days, of course there aren’t enough technicians or knowledge about long term use and abuse on these new systems; it doesn’t mean we should continue to embrace millions of tiny explosions to propel us down the road, emitting tons of CO2 and other pollutants.
You don’t look at the problem and think: oh this is gonna take time and effort, best to just die in our own effluence instead.
All of your experience, all of the expertise passed down to you and taught was the end of a very, very long tail. You only see one future because of that.
Not telling someone something isn’t gaslighting. That’s a very different thing.
I disagree. acting like nothing happened when it’s actually one of the worst things that can happen to a kid is just bonkers.
Anyone who claims that there is a simple answer that is always best is acting out of ideology, rather than an interest in improving people’s lives…
disagree. as someone who lived through childhood trauma, kids know more than their parents think, and keeping information from them doesn’t leave them in an ignorant bliss, it leaves them wondering why no one intervened, why no one knew when it was obvious, etc. I think it’s a form of gaslighting.
it makes me wonder about a LOT of libertarians, normally I thought they’d recoil from trump but some seem strangely comfortable with him.
makes me wonder about their principles.
If Trump dies, they get Vance (a true believer…unlike Trump who just wants the power to stay out of prison) at the top of the ticket.
And we get some kind of Peter Theil libertarian theocracy.
Vance’s flexibility to bend in any direction at any time is just… he makes lindsey graham look principled.
depressingly plausible.
good likeness.
suggestion: turn the gaze - a bit of foreshortening and perspective will really help your work.
parents trying to keep the home livable and keep kids on schedule were probably dealing with their own issues; where do you think yours came from?
I don’t say that in a mean way, I simply assert - having seen both sides of the coin - we’re all going through our own shit.
by the matrix of sanitation!
randomly oriented buildings on a straight street lol. random rooflines too.
anti petrol flavour
Let’s see if they can fuck up florida so badly it goes blue in a month.